Supporting the American Red Cross Association
The American Red Cross depends on volunteers and donors all over the country to provide assistance to those in need. There are many different ways to be a part of this organization. The most common way is giving blood, where you can save numerous lives by giving 1 pint of blood. An easy way to find more information on where you can give blood is by visiting the American Red Cross website at Don’t like needles? That’s okay, there are many other ways you can help others.
Another common event American Red Cross hosts are First Aid and CPR classes. These classes teach you all the proper techniques on how to provide both first aid and CPR. You do not need any experience in order to get certified. For this reason, we have some exciting news.
Cottage Inn has gotten certified! For the month of March, Cottage Inn Pizza was focusing on supporting the American Red Cross Association. We held classes for employees to get First Aid and CPR certified. It is very important to us that when customers and employees enter our store they feel safe and secure under any circumstances. This is very big for us because this is the first time Cottage Inn has ever done something like this.
That’s not the only thing Cottage Inn is participating in. We will also be involved in an event called “Sound the Alarm” this spring. During the event, volunteers from all over the country will help provide and install over 100,000 smoke alarms. Cottage Inn will be first in line to help in any way we can to install as many alarms as possible. You can also help by volunteering or giving a donation to the American Red Cross.
Cottage Inn Pizza owns 9 Corporate stores which who participated in getting certified and will participate in Sounding the Alarm. We do not force our employees to get certified, we leave It up to them to decide, but we plan on having at least 2 people in every corporate store certified. Our Corporate Office which is located in Ann Arbor Michigan also had staff members who got certified. Many of our employees are very excited about what Cottage Inn was offering this month. Not many companies recognize the importance of giving back to their community as we do.
Cottage Inn Pizza would like to thank everyone who has been a part of the American Red Cross Association and those who have donated.
To keep up with what Cottage Inn is doing and for more information please visit our website at